Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tami Roman Deletes her twitter!!!!

Tami Roman possessed? Depressed? or Just Fed up?

What ever the reason she has officially spazzed out and joined the likes of Royce Reed and Nicki Minaj and deleted her twitter account. Guess the negative responses from her rude and disrespectful behavior was really getting to her. Click below and see how we feel about the drama....
Tami is really in the need of tough love and self reflection. Her behavior was nothing short of crazy and unstable. Someone with that type of reaction to "alcohol" (as she claims)should really consider AA meetings. Now since she has made her bed she must lie in it.  We at PORSHELLY can't seem to feel sorry for a grown woman that chooses to act this way. If it is true that she has been fired from BBW,  maybe this break from twitter and the show will be good for Tami's well being and mental health. #SIGH

Whats your opinion? Will you watch if Tami returns to the next season?


  1. No, I will not watch and I totally agree with the above comments. Tami is a disgrace to black women, to children, and especially to her own children. Apparently, she is a very desperate as well as ignorant woman. I was so hurt and ashamed when I saw the way she bullied and tortured Keisha, to top it all off, she really enjoyed it. It was sickening and it completely showed what kind of person she really is. I wonder what she's teaching her daughters, that it's ok to pick on someone who is weaker and more afraid that you. There are anti-bullying campaigns all over the place, but to watch a 41 year old mother of two belittle herself on national television the way she did was a complete embarrassment. Kids are being bullied everyday and look at her ignorant ass, DISGUSTING! I don't care what other opportunities she gets, I will not follow or support her and I strongly encourage no one else too either. As for me, if she does get another television opportunity, I will make it my business to find out who the sponsors are and personally contact them to show my non-support. I will also encourage everyone I know to also contact the sponsors and to take to the social media heavily in protest. People have the right to say whatever they choose just as she does without some ignorant ass woman threatening to put her hands on them. Just who the fuck does she think she is? People like her are the reason children take weapons to school and kill other children, tired of being constantly bullied. I see why she had a heart attack, so as yea sow shall yea reap. I bear no ill-willed against her family in anyway for her sickening behavior. I feel bad for them for having to be associated and linked with a fool like her. To Tami's daughters, learn what not to do by watching your mother. Love her sure, always. She's you all's mother, but she definitely has some serious, unresolved issues. Since she has to date not properly dealt with her issues, I strongly encourage her to please deal with them. GET SOME HELP PLEASE1!!! Sister you definitely have ISSUES. You are a very sad individual and I feel so sorry for you and the people who unfortunately have to deal with you.

  2. PORSHELLY agrees that her behavior was mean and crazy. But is that not the reason we watch? There has been violence before. What makes this fight so different?
