Friday, May 25, 2012

Evelyn Gets Emotional At The BBW Reunion

 After watching the scene where she infamously threw a wine bottle at Kenya Bell, Evelyn got teary eyed and stated that if she could take back one moment from BBW she would take that one back. Not the scene where she climbed over the table to get at Jennifer after she was already assaulted by Evelyn's assistant, not the scene where she hit Jennifer in the head with her clutch while screaming "you ain't about this life", or the scene where she sat down with Tami Roman and stated that when she hears people saying that she should watch her behavior because she is a mom it doesn't mean anything to her because she just "doesn't think like that".
I am a firm believer in redemption but it's just funny how now that her behavior is starting to affect her earning potential she is emotional and remorseful.

Check out the video after the break and tell us if you think Evelyn is a changed person

Only time will tell if they have learned their lesson

1 comment:

  1. She didn't learn her lesson. "Can't turn a heaux to a housewife! Heaux don't act right!" Luda LoL
