Friday, March 16, 2012

Praying for Bobbi Kristina

Poor Whitney's rolling over in her grave..damn shame. TMZ reported this story of Bobbi Kris dating her "adopted" brother. C'mon let the dust settle on your mama's grave before you start the tomfoolery. I'm not judging because clearly this young lady is going through a rough time and I feel like her "brother" is capiltalizing on. Let's all bow our heads in prayer and pray for her.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Bobbi Kris is clearly grieving. But I have one question where is her DAD???? on tour ??? This is a time when she needs him most. He really doesn't seem to give a damn about his daughter!

    On the flip side she is wearing a nice top but she really needs to try bangs ASAP!(Lord 4give me)
